Yasin Torun (Chairman)

He graduated from Istanbul Technical University Mechanical Engineering department in 2004. He worked at Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration during the years of 2005 – 2008 as supervising engineer for the construction of distribution and transmission pipelines, water reservoirs and pumping stations projects. In one of the projects under his responsibility, he was a member of the team which constructed water transmission pipeline under the Istanbul Bosphorus called as Melen Bosphorus Passing Line Project. He represented Turkey in France and made a presentation in 2007 on behalf of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration during the Horizon 2020 (De-polluting the Mediterranean Sea by 2020) Project supported by European Union.
In 2007, he participated to the NATO 5th Science for Peace and Security Workshop in Istanbul as an observer on behalf of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration. He participated to the 1st Istanbul Water Forum in 2009 and officially charged as Coordinator on behalf of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration during the preparation process of the 5th World Water Forum which was held in Istanbul in the same year. With his graduation dissertion entitled ‘Water Management in The Metropolises and Evaluation of Water Management in Two Metropolises (Istanbul and Moscow)’ at Istanbul University MBA in 2010, he carried his professional background to academic dimension. He serves as Board Member at ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology) and Governor at WWC (World Water Council). He has several technical papers presented in international conferences. He has articles published in magazines and published book under his editorship. He served as Scientific Committee Member at several international conferences. He gave several interviews to several television-radio channels and newspapers.
He serves as Chairman of Turkish Society of Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide. He works as Managing Director at TORENCON Engineering and Consulting Ltd. which provides engineering and consulting services for trenchless and water industries.
Abdulkadir Aydın (Vice Chairman)

Following Kuleli Military High School, he entered Military Academy and after leaving the Academy in 1998, he continued his undergraduate education in Yildiz Technical University – Department of Civil Engineering. Following his graduation in the year of 2004, he worked as engineer in various private companies. He started working in Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration in the year of 2005. Currently he works at Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration. He serves as Vice Chairman of Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide.
Dr. Mücahit Namlı (Vice Chairman)

He graduated from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Civil Engineering Department in 1998. He has received his M.Sc in Geotechnical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 2001. He has received his Ph.D. with his thesis entitled ‘Effect of Bentonite Slurry Injection on Pipe Jacking Forces’ at Bogazici University, Civil Engineering Department in 2011. He worked at Istanbul Water and Sewage Administration (ISKI) between the years of 1998 and 2004 as supervising engineer for pipe-jacking on sewage pipelines, waste water collector and tunnel constructions. From 2004 to 2009, he worked at ISKI as the Director of waste water Construction of Asian side if Istanbul. The projects which he has completed during this period include; 15 km waste water tunnel, 21 km pipe-jacking sewage line and 1500 km sewage pipeline.
He joined Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Railway Systems Department in 2009 and worked until 2015 as Manager for Kadikoy-Kartal Subway Construction Project and Üsküdar -Çekmeköy-Sancaktepe Subway Construction Project. In 2015, he joined Istanbul Medeniyet University as full-time professor. He serves as Vice Chairman of Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide.
Onur Kaya (Vice Chairman)

Born in 1980 in Ankara. After completing his high school education in Ankara, he started Geological Engineering department in Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir. After his graduation in 2002, he started to work as HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) site engineer in Izmir Highway Project. Then he moved to Istanbul in 2004 in order to work for trenchless projects of ISKI (Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration). He worked for several projects on HDD, pipe bursting, pipe ramming, CCTV, CIPP applications. During the years 2009 – 2011, he worked in Astana – Kazakhstan Water Administration for their trenchless technology applications. Afterwards, he worked in Nasiriyah – Iraq with Petronas company for a HDD project under Tigris River. He serves as Vice Chairman of Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide.
Mustafa Bayraktar (Member of Board – Treasurer)

He completed undergraduate and graduate degrees from Sakarya University as Metallurgy and Material Engineer. He worked in Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration between 2006 – 2010 with his several studies (test committees, technical inspections and reports, benchmarking) on infrastructure systems and trenchless technologies. With his graduate thesis named ‘Determination fo Sphere Quantity in Ductile Iron Casts and Its Effect on Mechanical Properties’, he became an expert on ductile iron materials, manufacturing and categorization of these kind of pipes and fittings which are widely used at infrastructure pipelines. He has many publications in terms of infrastructure systems and trenchless technologies in various technical magazines and congress’. Additionally, he has great contributions for preparing the book named ‘Trenchless Technologies and Materials in Water and Waste Water Systems’ which is the unique Turkish book in this area. Furthermore, he worked for TUBITAK-KAMAG 1007 project focusing on ‘Condition Assesment of Existing Waste Water Pipelines and Rehabilitation via Trenchless Technologies’ as a unique study of Sakarya University, Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration, Kocaeli Water and Sewerage Administration and Adapazari Water and Sewerage Administration. After working at Sapanca Municipality as Mayor Advisor between 2010 – 2012, he worked as a Consultant at tenders department of AZERSU ASC (Baku) for the preparation of technical specifications.
Currently, he works as a Manager at Sapanca Municipality. He serves as Society Treasurer of Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide.
Ufuk Yavuz Tümer (Member of Board – Secretary)

1980 Born in Ankara Electronics Engineers Ufuk Yavuz Tumer, in 2001, on the Internet and networking technologies have established their own companies and public institutions until 2004, private companies have programs local-remote network security and control software, the first enterprise automation software activities and of the organization of the sector in Turkey developed. Since 2004, the organization sector to the Ufuk Yavuz Tumer, has organized with hundreds of national and international events success, many international events project has taken place in the idea stage, and Turkey’s many organizations project for the international promotion in developing personally with civil society and public organizations, carry out and training and consultancy. He serves as Society Secretary of Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide.
Mehmet Sertçelik (Member of Board)

He was born in 1983 in Safranbolu province of Karabük. He completed his primary and secondary education in Safranbolu and his high school education in Karabük. In 2003, he graduated from Sakarya University, Department of Industrial Electronics. After graduation, he worked in the private sector for energy, chemical and iron-steel processes and automation projects. In 2006, he worked in Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sewerage Administration General Directorate (SASKİ) Scada / Automation Unit. As a result of the project initiated by the technical team formed here, the institution has managed to establish its own Scada system. At the beginning of 2011, he resigned from his position at SASKİ and worked as the founding partner of TBM Industry for the establishment of R & D studies and implementation related to the technological systems used in water management. He is still working as General Manager in TBM Industry and he is working on high technology domestic systems. He serves as Member of Board of Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies which was established with collaboration of many academicians, executives, engineers and consultants in both country-wide and worldwide.
Asil Orhan (Member of Board)

Born in 1993 in Istanbul. After completing his high school education in the United States, Asil started his undergraduate education in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alabama in 2011 and completed his master’s degree in Engineering Management at Istanbul Technical University in 2021, focusing his research on mixing hydrogen into natural gas pipeline networks.
Throughout his career, Asil worked in the fields of R&D and production management in the country’s leading companies in the sector (IHI Dalgakıran, Teksan Generator, etc.). Actively involved in multidisciplinary projects such as operational project management, localization, prototyping, product design and development. He also holds certifications in international engineering project management. Asil is currently working as a Mechanical Engineer at IGDAS (Istanbul Gas Distribution Industry and Trade Inc).
He is a committee member of the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) and a board member of the Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies Association (TSITT), which brings together academics, executives, engineers, and experts from Turkiye and around the world.
Tolga İsmail Şentürk (Member of Board)

Musa Deniz Taşkın (Member of Board)